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Our Commitment
From Our Tree to Your Table - continued
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We are Here for the Long Haul
No one can be successful at farming if they are looking for the proverbial "quick buck," or a limited involvement in their work. It takes a lifetime of dedication and commitment. We have almost doubled the acres we have in tart cherries and are planting more trees this year. Those trees will produce the cherries for the cherry juice your children and grandchildren will be drinking. This year we are planting another 15 acres in tarts, which represents about 2,000 trees.
No Farmers - No Food
Feeding an ever-growing population takes an infrastructure the scope and size of which is not easy to grasp. Modern farmers are balancing three prime objectives: feed the world safely and efficiently; manage the land in a sustainable manner; strengthen and promote the farming community. Should any one of these collapse, the consequences would be unimaginable to the modern American after being blessed by decades free from want. Our commitment to bringing you high quality and affordable food goes a lot deeper than it looks at first glance. When you buy cherry products from us, you are supporting our commitment to spending our lives working to grow cherries, and we are happy to contribute to our customers' health and well-being.
Why Buy Direct?
Buy directly from the families who continue to invest their time and resources into planting the trees that produce the cherries. They are committed to the long term availability of high quality tart cherry products in a way that mere sales organizations or re-bottlers are not.
- Buying directly from the grower insures that you are getting the freshest juice and cherries, and you are working with real people who care.
- When you buy from the farmer you are strengthening our rural communities, and helping to keep American farmers farming. You reduce the ever-present danger of becoming dependent on foreign sources for our food. This a genuine crisis and every dollar that goes around the middle man and into the pockets of our farming families makes a difference.
And, don't forget! When you are vacationing up north in Michigan, be sure to stop by the fruitstand and say hi! KingOrchards.com
Family Farming Issues
More articles about family farming-
- When is a Farm not a Farm?
It seems like everyone wants to call themselves a "farm" these days. Apparently, corporate marketers think that we will buy more packaged and processed food if the illusion is created that it is more closely connected to farming then is often actually the case.
- Did You Know?
Sarah Brombaugh lives on a farm in Iowa and this is her take on family farming
- Family Farms, not Factory Farms
Rhonda Perry's speech to the annual Farm Aid meeting in Chicago in 1998 addresses family farming issues
- Strong Roots, Fragile Farms
Fact sheet from the excellent TV documentary "Strong Roots, Fragile Farms"