King's Orchard is an orchard in Texas. We are, of course, King Orchards in Michigan. This link is for you Texans who got here by mistake. Now don't forget to stop by when you are visiting up north.
Michigan Apple Committee web site has all kinds of apple information, apple history, annual cider contest, varieties usage chart, recipes, links and more.
Apples and More from the University of Illinois is a great jumping off point for learning about apples. It has links to just about every good source on the internet with the emphasis on education. has a wonderful apple page that features historical notes, traditional medicinal uses of apples and recipes.
APPLES! by apple lover Trish Bloom is a nice page with an apple variety chart, recipes and links.
Obstbau in der Steiermark In der Steiermark betreiben zur Zeit ca. 3000 Betriebe auf über 7800 ha Obstbau. Eine einzige weiß-rosa "Schaumwolke" hüllt die rund 25 Kilometer lange Steirische Apfelstraße in ihr Frühlingskleid, wenn über eine Viertelmillion Obstbäume erblühen. Bienen tummeln sich über löwenzahnübersäte Wiesen, bis endlich das kecke Rot der Erdbeeren groß und klein zum Pflücken einlädt. German language site from Austria features fruit and orchard descriptions and pictures.
Pomme 97 Pourquoi ne pas profiter des couleurs de l'automne et de la saison des pommes pour faire une escapade familiale. French language apple pages from Quebec.
Les Pommes de nos Vergers Dans le nord de l'Alsace, à l'écart de la nationale qui relie Strasbourg à Wissembourg, en bordure du parc naturel des Vosges du Nord est situé le pittoresque village de Steinseltz. Steinseltz produit de nombreuses variétés de fruits, principalement des pommes. Extensive descriptions of apple varieties in French from Steinseltz in the apple growing region of Alsace in France. Maybe we can get them to do an English version some day.
Apple Facts from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, with Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) story.