King Orchards Tart Cherry Juice

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Labor Day - Peaches and Apples
Wednesday August 27th, 2003

Labor Day weekend always triggers a sense of remorse. Summer is over! Did we have enough fun? Did we accomplish all, or some, of those plans we made in June? Did the markets reach their potential?

 Ginger Gold

September is an end to summer customers, and for our summer help. It is much slower in the market but there’s also only one person left to run the show. I'm happy to say that September will also mean an end to road construction, YEAH!!!!! although the road construction crew has been great, I can't help but think if they weren't there my days in the market would have been busier.

Okay, for Labor Day weekend we have Red Haven peaches, canning tomatoes from Bay City, Jersey Mac and Ginger Gold apples, and sweet corn. We will still have a few melons in the market too. Our statice crop is in and the best ever! The colors are great and they are just beautiful. Our apple crop is really good too, the best it’s been in years so we are excited about it. Pears and plums are looking good too and we should see them in the market by mid to end September.

Dates to remember:

  • Fall Harvest in Boyne City-October 4th&5th
  • Apple Fest in Charlevoix-October 10th, 11th, &12th
  • We are shipping out Ginger Gold apples from September 8th thru the 22nd. Ginger Gold apples are a favorite here at King Orchards. This early ripening Golden Delicious-type apple starts apple season off with a bang. Call to place your order 1-877-937-5464.

    Have a happy holiday, Betsy

    Big, Beautiful Apple Crop Coming
    Friday, August 22

    Hello this week from Jim King -

    The fruitstand is in the midst of the busiest time now, with the beautiful weather in northern Michigan, and peaches starting to come in. The apples are right around the corner and they all look very good. Size, color and flavor are all up to our highest standards. Ginger Gold, Jonagold, Honeycrisp and Mutsu are some that you shouldn't miss. Our Mutsu, Honeycrisp and Jonagold rated at the top of the list in the taste tests at Apple Journal, and the way it looks now they will be even bigger and juicier this year.

    We just finished a great tart cherry harvest and are busy cleaning the equipment and putting it into storage. We are mowing the orchards and getting them ready for winter. We are focusing on apples now. The warm weather is moving them along, and size and quality are exceptional. We are looking for Ginger Golds near Labor Day.

    In the fruitstand and the Cresswell market on US-31: Peaches are coming in now and they are excellent. Early Glow is the first variety. We still have sweet corn, but we are getting to the end of the season. Quality is very good, so pick up a few ears this weekend. Rose's pickles, cukes and zukes are all coming in now, and also statice. Hudson dark sweet cherries are big and sweet, best quality this year, and we still have them in the market. They won't last long. Stanley prune plums are in now.

    Balaton cherries- Most of the beautiful Balaton crop has been pitted and frozen. We have ten pound boxes available of both frozen Montmorency and frozen Balaton cherries in the fruitstand and Cresswell market.

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    updated- January 29th, 2005

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    Tens of thousands of us suffer from chronic and often debilitating pain. Many strategies and products have emerged promising relief. Sorting through the claims and counter-claims is not easy.

    We recommend that you become informed and excercise discretion when reading promises of miracle cures. The connection between diet and pain management has been solidly established, and research continues. As always, consulting closely with your physician is essential in any pain management program.

    John, Betsy, Rose and Jim King

    King Orchards • 4620 N. M-88 • Central Lake MI 49622 • 1-877-937-5464