King Orchards Tart Cherry Juice

Tart Cherry Juice from King Orchards  

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Tart Cherry Harvest
Page 11
Cleaning the Equipment

The shaker is now being cleaned. Here Jim flushes cherries, leaves and other debris off the padded, inclined surfaces.
cleaning the shaker
 Tom "That reminds me of a funny story. I was driving one of the trucks once with a load of cherries, and as I went around a corner I noticed that there was a car stopped at the stop sign on the road I was turning on to. Well you know how sometimes a little water can slosh out, especially when you go around corners?

Anyway, it was a really hot day, and the car was a convertible with the top down. There's this gorgeous gal driving so I'm a little distracted, you know. So I make the turn and I'm checking things out in the rearview mirror, and I must have taken the turn a little too fast, because about 100 gallons of water and cherries go flying out of the tanks and land right inside the convertible...."

Tart Cherry Harvest Photo Album
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Central Lake MI 49622

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Copyright 2005
updated- January 29th, 2005

 Apple Journal
Tens of thousands of us suffer from chronic and often debilitating pain. Many strategies and products have emerged promising relief. Sorting through the claims and counter-claims is not easy.

We recommend that you become informed and excercise discretion when reading promises of miracle cures. The connection between diet and pain management has been solidly established, and research continues. As always, consulting closely with your physician is essential in any pain management program.

John, Betsy, Rose and Jim King

King Orchards • 4620 N. M-88 • Central Lake MI 49622 • 1-877-937-5464